nf-core/configs: EMBL HD Cluster Configuration
To use, run the pipeline with -profile embl_hd
. This will download and launch the embl_hd.config
which has been pre-configured with a setup suitable for the embl cluster.
Config file
params {
config_profile_contact = ""
config_profile_description = "The EMBL Heidelberg HPC cluster profile"
config_profile_name = 'EMBL_HD'
config_profile_url = ''
apptainer {
enabled = true
autoMounts = true
docker.enabled = false
pullTimeout = "3 hours" // the default is 20 minutes and fails with large images
envWhitelist = 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES' // allow the bounding of GPU visible device variable into the containers
process {
def scratch_dir = System.getenv("SCRATCHDIR")
maxRetries = 3
cache = 'lenient'
afterScript = 'sleep 10'
queue = { (task.time <= 14.d && task.memory < 256.GB && (task.memory.div(task.cpus)) <= 4.GB) ? "htc-el8" : "bigmem" }
withLabel:gpu {
queue = 'gpu-el8'
containerOptions = '--nv' //enable Nvidia support
withLabel:bigmem {
queue = 'bigmem'
withLabel:low_qos {
clusterOptions = '--qos=low'
executor {
name = "slurm"
queueSize = 200
submitRateLimit = "10/1sec"
pollInterval = '10sec'
exitReadTimeout = "5 min"
retry.reason = "*"